Tuesday, January 20, 2015

My Culinary Experience.

                Everybody needs a food for fulfill their need. But, other peoples also enjoy food for a pleasure. I am one of that type, enjoying food for a pleasure. I can’t tell what the pleasure inside the food is, but I naturally feel joyful every time I taste the food. I love foods. I have tasted many kind of food, from traditional to modern one. Each food has a unique characteristic, and this is making foods so interesting. The mixing of flavor that serves in a plate making a good harmony. It dances and seduces you to taste it.

                In my life, as I tell before, I have tasted so many kind of food. In my childhood, my mom often used to cook many kind of food. I like my mom’s dishes. I think it is the best all the time. And also I think my mom was like magician. Because, even there were 1001 dishes that she cooked. She only used one type of spices for all food. It was magic, wasn’t? But, beside my mom’s dishes I have experienced so many kind of food until now that I want to share it to you.

                Childhood was my first culinary journey. I ate so many kind of food especially in my elementary school. Even its hygiene was so bad, I still enjoyed that food. When school bell rang, I hurry up to buy some food in canteen or outside my school. I still remember my favorite foods. I used to buy cubit cake, omelet, Siu may, meatball, puyam, and crepes. Cubit cake and Puyam were my favorite food when I was in elementary school. “Cubit” cake now is very famous and you can find it easily, and actually “Cubit” cake is made of very simple cake dough and then the dough is fried in designed pan with unique shape like fish, simple circle, and etc. I very like the medium cooked one, the one side is cooked but the other side is still raw it tastes so yummy. Not only “Cubit” cake but also “Puyam” is very special for me. I don’t know the ingredient exactly, but the seller said it is made of chicken, flour, and other spices he mixes and makes into a Christmas tree shape then he fries it in wok, and it tastes amazing.

"Cubit" Cake
                Time was passed by, I have another friend, and it is Chinese and Cantonese food. I often went to Chinese restaurant in my city for enjoying that food. I like canton fried rice and Hainan chicken so bad. Canton fried rice is quite different from Indonesian fried rice. The canton one is enriched with salty sauce and that is absent in Indonesian one (Indonesian is likely to use Oyster sauce than the salty sauce). Another difference is the canton fried rice is lighter in color than the Indonesian one because canton fried rice isn’t used soy sauce. I also like Hainan chicken. Hainan chicken is boiled chicken with some spices and usually it is served with Bok Choy (Chinese cabbage). I still love this kind of food anyway.

Complete Set of Hainan Chicken 
Cantonese Fried Rice
                I was very blind. I used to eat junk food so often. I could eat that food 3 times a week. Fried chicken, French fries, soda, and other junk food were being my friend in my childhood. But, they were so cruel, my body was overweight and I faced so many health problem because of it. I often saw doctor to cure my health problem, and now I try to avoid this kind of food slowly. 

Junk Food

                My life is changed. I make a great decision. I changed my food into the healthy one. Now, I often eat vegetable.  I like papaya leaf, bean, water spinach, and other kind of vegetable. That vegetable usually is processed into a vegetable sauté, salad, and many more. I love it because vegetable makes you are healthier than before. Vegetable is very friendly friend anyway. 

Kang kong (Water Spinach) saute.
                I have so many experience in culinary for eating great food. It is very amazing, and I think that’s all. Thank you for reading my culinary experience.


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